3.1 If you register your factory warranty

We want to ensure that you always have an enjoyable experience whenever you come across a Yamaha Motor product. When you buy a new Yamaha Motor product, you can be sure that premium quality and class leading reliability come as a standard. In the unlikely event that your Yamaha Motor requires any unforeseen repairs, you will also benefit from the added reassurance of a full Yamaha Motor Factory Warranty, which is registered with us with the assistance of your dealer. 

At a glance:

If you buy a Yamaha Motor unit at your authorized dealer, they will register your warranty and we will receive limited warranty registration information. This information is used to provide factory warranty to you, and handle repairs and other claims under factory warranty. We will process this personal data for other purposes only if you provide your specific consent or if we are required to process the personal data to comply with the applicable law or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.
If your warranty is registered with us, our authorized dealers will be able to look-up your information if needed to service you, for example if you need repairs under warranty.

Who is responsible for processing your personal data for the Yamaha Motor factory warranty?

Factory Warranty: we are the data controller responsible for the processing of your personal data in relation to your factory warranty registration. Your personal data necessary for the factory warranty will be collected from you, by your dealer, and registered with us and our distributor after your purchase of a new Yamaha Motor product. If you have any complaint or claim on the warranty, the dealers will in principle determine the required actions and warranty coverage and share this with us. For this reason, the dealers will be able to look-up your information in our warranty systems. The dealers and distributors are also data controllers responsible for the processing of your personal data, jointly, with us when providing your personal data to us.

How did we obtain your personal data?

Factory Warranty: we obtain your personal data from you via your authorized dealer. Your factory warranty information will be collected from you by your dealer and registered with us and our distributor after your purchase of a new Yamaha Motor unit. If you have any complaint or claim on the warranty, the dealer will determine the required actions and warranty coverage, and share this with us.

If you purchase a Yamaha Motor unit and your factory warranty is registered

Which personal data do we process about you?

If your dealer registers your purchase for our Factory Warranty, we process the following personal data about you:

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Postal address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Details of the warranty (start date, end date).
  • Details of the Yamaha Motor product being covered under factory (model, year, vehicle identification number, registration number).
  • Information on your authorized dealer (for purchasing and in case of a factory warranty repair or other claim).
  • Information in relation to a claim you made.
  • Information in relation to the follow-up of your claim, including repairs or replacements being made.
  • Other factory warranty related communications with you.

Why do we process your personal data and what are the legal grounds for processing your personal data?

We use your personal data for the following purposes, based on the following legal grounds as applicable to the listed purposes:


PurposesLegal grounds
  • For providing factory warranty in relation to your covered Yamaha Motor unit.
  • Allow us and our authorized dealers to look-up your information if needed to service you, for example if you need repairs under warranty, and assess and handle your warranty claim.
  • >For the provision of roadside assistance if needed.

Performance of the agreement:

The processing is necessary for the performance of the factory warranty with you, including the processing which is needed to take steps at your request prior to entering into the agreement with you.

  • To improve the quality of our products services by analyzing the registration and factory warranty claims data. This allows us to understand, for example, which Yamaha Motor products are covered by a factory warranty, the types of claims made in relation to which products, including parts, and quality improvements that could be made based on such information.
  • To monitor and verify the proper handling of warranty claims by authorized dealers.
  • To allow us to carry out effective recall campaigns to ensure your and others' safety

Legitimate interests:

The processing is necessary for legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party, such as the dealer, taking into account your privacy interest. Our legitimate interests are to assess coverage under the factory warranty and monitor and improve the quality of our products.

  • For the prevention, handling of (court) claims and disputes and other legal matters.
  • To comply with our legal obligations, including court orders, and accounting and archiving requirements.

Legal obligation:

The processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which we are subject. This ground may for example apply if we are required to cooperate with an investigation of a competent supervisory authority.


If your Factory Warranty is not registered, you will not be able to claim repairs or replacements under our Factory Warranty program.

How long do we retain your personal data?

For warranty registration data, we will keep this information for a period of 10 years in case we need to contact you in relation with important communications regarding the safety of your products.

Who will have access to your personal data?

Your personal data will be processed by persons working for or on behalf of us on a need-to-know basis for the purposes described above. We also use services of third parties who processes your personal data on our behalf, acting as a data processor, such as for providing hosting services. In each case, we have concluded appropriate data processor agreements in line with the applicable data protection laws. In addition, the following parties involved with the factory warranty may receive your personal data as data controllers:

Category of recipient

Dealers: your authorized dealer collecting and providing your personal data to us, and handling repair and other claim requests, and looking-up your information in our systems for these purposes.

Distributors: in limited situations where necessary to handle warranty claims or for the purpose of analysis.